Setting Healthy Goals: How Focusing on Habits Overcomes Poor Willpower
Often folks describe their failure to reach a goal as a lack of willpower. However, willpower is really just another word for self-control. Self-control is simply your ability to act the way you want to in the situations you find yourself. Most people only succeed in acting the way they want if they have a plan in place and practice doing it. The following tips talk about how focusing on your habits can help you overcome a lack of willpower. Let’s get started. Understand Why Most people want to force themselves to do things without even knowing why. For example, they may want to start exercising every day just because…
The New Year: Affirmations to Boost Self-Esteem
How to better your daily life using your own voice in 2022 We’ve all heard that positivity does wonders when it comes to living the life you always wanted. Positive affirmations work in a pretty simple way – they build connections in your brain, tricking it to subconsciously prove those assumptions correct. The science behind it has proof from MRIs, social studies, and many different research techniques, proving that although it may sound weird, positive affirmations do work. These are just some of the wonderful things you can say out loud or in your head to keep pushing yourself forward in the right direction. We recommend you stick to this…
What Are the Areas of Personal Development?
“What lies behind us and what lies before us are tiny matters compared to what lies within us.” Ralph Waldo Emerson Almost every successful personality has discussed the importance of personal development and growth. Personal development can be a pathway leading to the skills, attributes, and qualities needed to live an efficacious and prosperous life. It’s a lifelong process. Personal development also involves self-care which includes all those activities that help us to become our best. As George Bernard Shaw once said, “Life isn’t about finding yourself. Life is about creating yourself.” Personal development is not something that can be achieved overnight; rather, it takes time and requires several steps.…
Becoming More Self-Aware In 4 Steps
Living in a world where we are constantly comparing ourselves to others, can have the sad result of us losing ourselves while trying to be more like everyone we see on social media. To be authentically yourself, you have to be fully aware of who you truly are – your weaknesses, your strengths, your beliefs, your goals, your personality, your motivations, and your morals. This is what you are made of and you have to realize that all of those aspects are capable of changes and improvement. In this guide, we’ll give you tips on how you can ultimately increase your self-awareness for the greater purpose of becoming the best…
5 Surprisingly Effective Ways to Self-Discovery with your Self-Care Routine
The road to self-discovery is never-ending. As we grow, we change. Think about it – the person you are today is likely very different to the person you were when you were in your twenties. It’s natural to grow as you develop more life experience, and this means you’ll constantly learn new things about yourself along the way. That is of course, if you take the time to truly connect with yourself. If you’re interested in learning more about yourself, here you’ll discover 5 surprisingly effective ways to self-discovery through self-care. 1. Taking up a new hobby When you think about self-care, mostly you likely associate it with things such…