Excuses and Missteps: Things that Can Derail Your Diet Goals
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Goals, goals, goals.
I have posted a lot about goals during January. This will remain a topic of interest this year but I am going to branch out a bit. Each of us have planned some goals for the year — now we can get into more details about specific goals and how to make them come true — and all that that entails.

So for a goal related to weight and diet — a diet goal — first let’s consider the biggest issue — mindset.
Block Out That Little Voice!
If you want to get down to a healthy weight, you have to stop making excuses.
You know what I’m talking about.
It’s that little voice in the back of your head that tells you that you deserve to eat that doughnut because you’ve had a rough morning. Or the one that tells you that it’s too cold to go out for your nightly walk. We all have that little voice in our head — I personally am battling that voice every day! In truth, we also all have a choice each time that voice speaks up. We can listen to it, or we can choose to ignore it.
Ignoring that little voice and not making excuses isn’t easy, particularly in the beginning. But here’s the good news. As you start to ignore it more and more often and go work out, or say no to the high-sugar, high-calorie treat, the softer that little voice gets.
Don’t Let Yourself Down

Here’s what it comes down to. Anytime you listen to that little voice or are making an excuse, you’re letting yourself down. It’s time to stop doing that. In fact, it now is the time to honest with yourself. Realize what you’re doing is sabotaging your success and Stop It! You’re important and so is your health and well-being. If you haven’t believed that yet, now is the time to start putting yourself first because no one else will.
Whenever you’re tempted to skip a workout or indulge in an extra treat tell yourself that you won’t let yourself down. Put on those walking shoes and head out for a workout. Make smarter choices about the food you eat. Skip the soda and reach for a bottle of water instead.
Remember Your Self-Worth
You are worth the effort and hard work it is going to take to get down to a healthy weight. You are worth a healthy body that will support you in all endeavors for years and years to come.
Furthermore, we tend to focus on getting thin and more attractive for other people. Instead, do this for you, because you know deep down that you are worth it. It’s a much stronger motivator. No matter what happens with relationships along the way, your diet goal won’t change.
You Deserve The Best
You deserve a long and happy life. Moreover, you deserve to be able to go on that beautiful hike in the mountains. You deserve having a fun game of tag with the kids in the park. You deserve to be the person you already see inside yourself.
Stop making excuses and remember that you are worth it, you deserve the best and don’t even think about letting yourself down.
Getting Back on Track
The first part of this post was very rah-rah about working towards your weight and diet goals.
Unfortunately, it’s not going to be as cheery and all those positive thoughts will not always be in your head.
No matter how motivated and dedicated you are, chances are good that you’ll fall off your diet at one point or another. It may be because you had a rough day at work and fell back into the old trap of making yourself feel better with food.
It could be that you were invited to a friend’s house and she served some delicious homemade cake. Or maybe you “took a break” over the holidays to indulge a bit in all your favorite treats.
Perhaps you got sick and needed some comfort food to make you feel better. There are hundreds of reasons why we get off track of our goals. Let’s accept that getting off track with your
How are you going to get back on track and keep this cheat meal or that indulgence day from turning into days and weeks of eating junk food, undoing all the hard work you’ve put in so far?
First: Forgive Yourself

First and foremost, there’s no sense in beating yourself up. What’s done is done. Forgive yourself and vow to do better in the future. Without forgiveness, you’ll beat yourself up for “failing” instead of just taking the next step forward. That’s all you need to do to be successful. Just keep on moving forward!
What Are Your Triggers?
After you’ve gotten back on track, take a look back and see if you can figure out why you slipped up. What caused you to reach for that tub of ice cream or why did you cave into eating that pizza after having the best intentions of sticking to a grilled chicken salad? Emotional triggers are huge saboteurs of an otherwise healthy eating plan.
As a rule, recognizing what’s causing you to give in will help you avoid future
Make A Plan To Avoid Future Slip Ups

Speaking of which, come up with some scenarios on what you can do next time to stay on plan.
For example, if you were meeting friends for dinner and ended up ordering the pizza or burger because you were just too hungry to consider getting the salad, have a snack before you leave the house.
If you’re so busy that it was easier to pull through a fast food drive through then think about planning ahead a little better.
If you had a bad day and found yourself reaching for the pint of Chunky Monkey in your freezer then consider not even bringing it into the house.
I hope these tips help you work towards your weight loss goals.
For a more in-depth look at achieving your goals, here is a book called Crush Your Goals from my Shop at Life: The Reboot. There is also a Crush My Goals Journal on Amazon.
Loving Life–The Reboot!

For me, it’s stress that does me in. I get super nervous and anxious and then I can’t help but eat. I’ve been yoyoing for years…never obese, but I can’t seem to get to my fighting weight unless I really deprive myself (which is just no fun). Will put your advice to use and see what happens.
I love that you use the term “fighting weight”! I say it and people look at me like I have grown another head! LOL I never really worried about my weight until now — the transplant meds have added a few pounds. I am implementing these tips in my real life — so we can both report back and see how it goes! Thanks for reading!
This was me last week listening to that lying voice trying to derail me, I did end up cheating but I am back at it and getting on track.
That voice is so loud, isn’t it? It’s in my ear too! Congrats on getting back on track! Have a wonderful day!
Sarah Bailey
These are some wonderful things for people to think about if they are struggling with there goals. I think it is so easy for people to be their own worst enemy when it comes to trying to lose weight.
It’s such a challenge to lose weight. Every meal can be a distraction! Thank you for reading and have a lovely day!
Great article that really talks about the self-doubt we all face! I give myself pep talks often to boost my confidence and encourage myself!
Thank you for reading — I am glad you enjoyed it. Have a wonderful day!
Tara Pittman
Forgiving yourself after falling is always good. Then get back on the right track with the next meal.
Exactly. Everyone has a slip but it’s important to pick yourself up and keep moving! Thanks for reading!
Dalene Ekirapa
That voice! Oh my! Listeniong to that voice can really derail you causing you to thinking that you have time. Anyway,as long as you understand your self worth, you will have to keep up with your goals
The voice is so convincing, isn’t it? Tempting you with the most perfect tasty treats that would blow your diet apart…
Thanks for reading!
Great post and I think it can be so easy to derail your diet. This is all great advice. We all have slips but that doesn’t mean it’s the end of the world.
True — we have to make sure we don’t let one slip turn into a big long-term fall! Thank you for reading!
I’ve decided that diets are not for me. I have a hard time sticking to them after a short period of time. What works better for me is just changing the way I eat and making it more of a lifestyle.
I agree with that — I don’t have a “diet” with certain calorie counts and foods. I am trying to just eat more healthily and cut back on the snacks as I start exercising again. Some people don’t work well with “diets” — some do. You have to do what works. Thanks for reading!
I am guilty of not following my diet plan this year. I ate healthy but snaked on unhealthy things. I need to get back on track and get rid of all the chocolate in my house.
Well, you don’t have to lose all of the chocolate — just a little for a treat. LOL Good luck with getting back on track! Thanks for reading!
I have a post that strongly relates to this! I so agree. We have to get back on the horse but it is hard lol
That’s right– maybe we should link to each other’s posts! Let me know! Have a wonderful day!
this great ! stress really puts a damper on my dieting and excersising. I lose interest in alot of things when im stressed. thank you for sharing this!
Stress is a beast! I plan to post a series about stress a little later in the year. Thank you for reading!
Mom Life Optimized
I am usually so good about getting back on track, but this year has been the toughest for me. The Keto diet has always been so great for me, but I can’t seem to get back on it 100% which really works in the opposite direction if you aren’t careful. Thank you for this post, I needed some of these tips!
I don’t tend to follow a specific diet but I have been curious about keto. I plan to run some posts about different diets — as much for me as for my audience. Thank you for reading!
Kristine Nicole Alessandra
My biggest obstacle when I go on a diet is consistency. I start our really eager to achieve my weight loss goals and then slack off after a few weeks. I think I need to have an accountability partner. Someone (or something) that will keep on encouraging and motivating me to stay on track.
Accountability partners are great. My partner makes sure I walk at least 4 times a week. It’s a mutually beneficial thing! MAybe one of your friends can take that on! Thanks for reading!
The voice is always so loud !! Great job on getting back on track !
Thanks so much! I hope you have a wonderful evening!
Melissa Guida-Richards
Forgiving yourself seems to be one of the hardest parts of the process because it truly can become a cycle. This year has been hard because of medical issues, but I hope to be able to get on track soon.
I definitely understand your point about medical issues — something I share. Good luck with your goals and I hope you get better. Thank you for reading!
These are wonderful tips, I agree with you keeping on track and forgiving while making mistakes. Otherwise diet goals can make more pain full impact.
Thank you — I am glad you enjoyed it. Have a lovely day!
Gladys Nava
Yeah! Your post really gives positive thoughts and inspiring! We deserve the best! Thanks for sharing ♥
We do, don’t we?!? Keep pushing forward! Have a wonderful day!
Latte Lindsay
I think people are awfully hard on themselves when it comes to dieting. I like to think of it as a process and even the smallest step is a step in the right direction.
I agree — it’s difficult for me to think about losing weight since it’s something I have never had to worry about before. But I remind myself that it’s a process and it gets better. Thanks for reading!
These tips are so useful. I can really use these because I am in the phase of letting my cravings satisfied. I need to be more determined. Thanks for the great post.
Good luck but remember there has to be some room for occasional splurges! LOL Have a beautiful day!
Annemarie LeBlanc
These are all awesome tips. The thing that worked for me is journaling and keeping a fitbit on me at all times to track the calories I have burned throughout the day. I will make use of your other tips too to get the results I have set for myself.
Thank you — I am glad it was helpful. HAve a wonderful day!
emman damian
Stress is inevitable sometimes but we just have to fight it. We have to ensure there’s a work-life balance and support groups too!
Very true — great points! Thanks for reading!