2019: Find a Mentor
Picking a theme for the upcoming year is a great way to kickstart the next 365 days. But don’t stop there. You also want to choose a mentor. This is someone that motivates you to keep pushing yourself and upping your own game. Here’s how to pick the best mentor for your upcoming year… Step 1: Find Someone Who Inspires You Start by thinking about who regularly inspires you. Maybe it’s the speaking coach that’s crushing it with her products or the crafty mom who turned her blog into a thriving business that supports her family. It’s OK if you choose a mentor in a different niche than you. For example, you…
Evaluation Part 3: Create A Better Business Framework
After reading the last two posts on evaluating your business, you’ve spent some time carefully evaluating last year. You’ve reviewed the previous year for valuable lessons, paid attention to signs of trouble, and studied your current business projects to assess their value. Now, it’s time to tackle your New Year planning. This is an exciting phase, and you may be tempted to set the same goals again. You might tell yourself that this time you’ll really do it. Albert Einstein is loosely quoted as saying doing the same thing over and over while expecting different results is a sign of insanity. You need a new plan of attack or you’ll…