How Positive Thinking Can Improve Your Life
Are you a glass half full or a glass half empty kind of thinker? The answer you choose can make a difference in the quality and length of your life. Seeing the glass as half-full means you tend to have a more positive outlook, and positive thinking can enable you to live a better life than average. That’s because a sunny outlook can improve your life in many small ways. For example, being able to see the light at the end of the tunnel and knowing that a difficult period will eventually end can help get you through a rough day, week or year. Here are some other ways positive…
Self-Analysis: Scary but Good for You
[disclosure] Happy Friday! Happy November! I hope everyone survived Halloween and are quietly plowing into their candy stashes. LOL Here it stormed for most of the day on Halloween. I decided not to buy my typical bounty of candy this year because: last year, no one came, and we still have candy from last year –no one is eating it! and the weather was questionable – who would be out and about? Surprise! The kids started knocking before it got dark! It had stopped raining… I panicked! Each kid only got one piece of candy. I couldn’t allow myself to run out! I anxiously monitored my rapidly dwindling bowl…